Sunday, February 27, 2011

Mom Is Afraid Of Chuwbaka

When I was having dinner with my roommate Will last night, we got on the topic of text messaging. Or at least my take on it.

I tried to convey my emotions towards texting by saying, "Is it just me or is it every time I text somebody and I have to type out a more that three character response, I often ask myself, 'Why am I typing this much?' And then get really aggravated that I have yet to finish my thought and then I go over the character allotment and then I have to consolidate the text to a more concise statement that could have happened in the first place."

Yeah, do not try to read that over your eyes will just hurt and your I.Q. will drop to George Bush-ian levels.

That is one self-inflicted grip I have with texting. What is the other you ask? Well, that is where the good 'ol fashioned "Where do you want me to take this conversation" aspect comes in.

Before I continue this saga of sorts, I must toss out a disclaimer. Two actually.

1.) I love my family dearly.
2.) They often tend to say some pretty funny/odd/really really unnecessary things.

Case and point a text from my mom yesterday and my brother today.

The text yesterday from my mom read, "Meijer has a pharmacy drive-thru... Who knew?"

Now, you may be thinking who cares? Exactly.

I texted her back, "Why would they build a tunnel in their pharmaceutical department.. Seems dangerous."

And then she texted back, "Sorry that was for Andrew."

I tried thinking about that for awhile and my head genuinely started to hurt.

Now, getting one of those from my mother I have to admit is not shocking. But to get one from my brother actually made want to get up and make sure the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse were not outside.

His gem came from an actually texting conversation we were having over the Red Wings going after Ty Conklin.

His response to my initial text, "Not a bad idea. Mom is terrified of Chuwbaka."

Normal men would have crumbled over such an astonishing conversation killer. But I boldly and mistakingly asked the question that no mortal man lived to tell the story of asking... Why? And I have to admit right after I sent it I mentally said, "No, why did I do that."

His reply, "Went to a toy and comic show at a VFW and someone dressed up as him and walking around making noises! Mom was scared shitless!!"

I could not logically text back, as I legitimately did not know what to say.

As a quasi semi-professional journalist I did however appreciate the quote my brother gave me. Because, "Mom is terrified of Chuwbaka." Is a much better post title than, "Where do you want me to take this conversation?"

Even though that is how I feel when I get those texts.

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