Monday, February 13, 2012

I Am (Still) Lucky

You know, I am lucky.

I am not the luckiest, but I am lucky.

I am 19 in college, going for a degree in something I love to do, have my family support in that. Hell, I have a family to support me.

I am lucky.

It is not everyday that your son says that they want to pursue a degree in Creative Writing and as a parent you say, "Go for it!" as opposed to saying, "What kind of doctor did you say?" But, nevertheless I have parents who actually support me in that. I have parents who are curious about what I write, who actually say with a degree of confidence to other people that I am a writer, and I have a grandma who always asks me where I come up with all that stuff.

I have a brother who is my role model and best friend. A guy who has a kidney surgery and one of the first things he tells me is that the only thing he was worried about before the surgery was me. I have that type of person in my life. Someone who I can talk to on a daily basis on the phone while I am at school, hang up afterwords and realize that I just spent 45 minutes with him talking about Ghostbusters, Batman, and Nelson Cruz.

I have a mom and dad who would do anything for me. I know that because I am at SVSU. I do not have to be, and I really shouldn't be. But, because of them I am.

I have a dad who I can spend simple father and son time with watching a George Harrison documentary or by talking about how we would have handled Custer's Last Stand if we were George Custer. A dad who has a subtle humor and can teach a person the importance of bow-sawing techniques... even if they come after a half inch gash has occured. Someone who I tricked into saying, "I love you" first today before I hung up. Gotcha, dad.

I have a mom who works her ass off. Never for herself though. Always for someone else. Who is there with something to make me laugh even if I do not want to. "Here do not forget my handicap sticker... I guess those do come in handy, get it?" Someone who always just happens to have planned all my favorite meals when I am home. Someone who posts Facebook statti bragging about me. Making me actually feel like I am doing something right.

I have a family on my dad's side and on my mom's side that I love dearly. Who believe in me too. Who I can go garage saleing... excuse me, junking with. Who post songs on my Facebook wall just because they think I might like them or try to convince that the Lions are good. Who offer me rides to go see my brother. Who help keep me inspired.

I have a girlfriend.

Yeah, me. I have a girlfriend. And god, is she beautiful. She has a smile that makes me fall into an endless loop of love with her. And I do not even care. She likes Louis Armstrong. She sends me individual bags of candy with little notes that would be the cutest thing ever, if not for her. Who looks over at me while I am driving and smiles and thinks I do not see it, but I do. Who texts me exactly as I am writing this about her and says she does not want to ruin my creative flow. Yeah, that girl is mine.

How did I get this lucky?

I have no clue.

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