Friday, February 10, 2012

You Look Like You Need Some (More) Music

Spotify, man.

  1. Tom Waits- Closing Time: Listen to this when it is a cold day. Once you do that, I only have one thing to say to you. You are welcome.
  2. AM Gold Comp CD's- Various Artists: I got a bunch of these at the library here at SVSU today. I got every one from 1965-1969. So much good pop music.
  3. Steve Martin- A Wild And Crazy Guy: Possibly, no. It is my favorite comedy album of all time. Quite a bit of it still holds up today. It is just very smart-stupid humor. This is when Steve Martin was like the most popular comedian in the world.
  4. Neutral Milk Hotel- In An Aeroplane Over The Sea: This album should be more important than Nevermind. Boom. I just said that. I love this album. My friend John showed this two me last year and it is one of those albums that changes your life.
  5. The Shins- Chutes Too Narrow: I have listened to the Shins catalog since I listened to them perform a cover of Breathe on Late Night. It left me speechless. I listened to this album first, because sometimes when I listen to the Shins I do not want to hear New Slang or Caring Is Creepy. If that makes sense.
  6. The New Pornographers- Twin Cinema: I vividly remember one morning when I was in 8th grade. I was on the way to school, I was listening 89x, and the song Use It was on. There was a pen in the car. So, I wrote New Pornographers- Use It on my hand. Therefore, I had the words "New Pornographers" on my hand all day. Gotta love going to SIJ.
  7. The Kinks- The Kinks: Every time I listen to the Kinks I get a new favorite Kinks song. This time it is Beautiful Delilah. Why does this band not get its rightful due? It is baffling.
  8. fun- Aim & Ignite: I l-o-v-e this band. Brendon Urie (lead singer of Panic! At The Disco) said that fun. was the most appropriately named band ever. And that is the truth. I saw them last summer by shear happenstance and they absolutely blew me away. They have a new single called "We Are Young" that is now being used for Chevy commercials now too.
  9. Bill Burr- Let It Go: Probably one of my favorite comedians right now. He was used sparingly in the today show. He was one of the announcers for the "World Series of Dice Throwing" sketch and his stand-up is amazingly hilarious. Very Louis CK-ish. Just a normal fella talking about his crazy day to day thoughts.
  10. A Tribe Called Quest- The Low End Theory: This album is absolute perfection. One of the greatest hip-hop albums ever created. The. End.

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