Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Our Detroit

(For all of you expecting my usual satire today I am sorry)

This is kind of a compound of my posts from my Facebook over the discussion of Glenn Beck and his take on Detroit:

"Go to Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, Hong Kong, Tokyo go to any major city in the WORLD and you see these things. You will see crime, you will see joblessness, homelessness, you will see despair. The only reason why Detroit is in the forefront of all this is because it is the scape goat. It is easier to kick a person when they are down then when they are standing up ready to fight back."

"The easiest thing to do is focus on the ruin porn in Detroit. Being a cynic is one of the easiest things to be in the world. Because you do not even have to have educated thoughts. But to actually apply thought, to do research to actually read into something instead of skimming it, that is what makes an educated person.

All the people who knock Detroit, they only skim through the story. They choose to base their opinions on a picture in a newspaper from Los Angeles.

The people who read the story are the one's who believe in Detroit, who know Detroit is capable of recovering and WILL recover.

Because look at history DO RESEARCH.

Cities fall, cities rebuild. Ashes are full of nutrients and things grown off of ashes go stronger than ever.

Case and point, Hiroshima.

Glenn Beck doesn't realize how blindly ironic he is being."

That is what I posted. 

Now, to further establish my take on Detroit.

I love Detroit. Is there burnt down buildings? Yes. Is there corruption? Yes. Is there crime? Yes. Is it what it once was? No. Can it ever be again? Yes.

I am extremely passionate about a handful of things. Detroit is one of them.

I do not need a car commercial or a local rapper to make me feel good about the city. I always have felt good about it and I always will.

People say, "Oh Detroit is the underdog and everyone loves the underdog."

Oh yeah? Well, if everyone loves the underdog, then home come no one helps?

People complain about how they would never be go to Detroit. Well where do you think you go to see the Tigers, Red Wings, and Lions... Okay the Lions were a bad example. But, what about the FOX, Greektown and all of the other casinos in the city.

And I also get the same reply, "Well, that really isn't Detroit."


That is Detroit.

Detroit will rise. Mark my word. 

I believe that as much as anything I have ever known.

Let me repeat that, Detroit will rise.

And it will be stronger than ever.

For all of you who want this to be "the little underdog story"

As it was said so perfectly by one of Detroit's greatest groups, The Temptations...

Get Ready.

Because this our city, critics and cynics can write and judge from thousands of miles away, but they do not know the true Detroit.

And they will never know the true Detroit.

They will never know Our Detroit.

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