Sunday, June 12, 2011

22. Song that reminds you of being a child

"Hold your breath
Make a wish
Count to three..."

That was a clue, any guesses?

I like this game, so here is another clue:

"...Living there
You'll be free
If you truly wish to be..."

I love movie soundtracks, I am a sucker for them. I just bought the Star Wars soundtrack on vinyl today, well because I could. I have the soundtracks to Fiddler on the Roof, Sound of Music, Jesus Christ Superstar and even the Wiz along with a hand full of others on vinyl. Sure some of them are my mom's but who is counting.

But there is one soundtrack I would love to add to my collection, and that is the original Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory soundtrack.

It was by far one of the most memorable movies of my childhood. I remember being absolutely transfixed by it. I wanted to be Charlie and I wanted the Golden Ticket. The only movie that I can remember that had this same amazing experience watching as a child was the Wizard of Oz.

As a child those movies feel so colorful and new. Yet, they were made decades before I was even born. And the best part of being a child watching those movies, is that you do not care about that. You do not care about the video quality or the sound. If it is 3D or if it is IMAX. You watch those movies because you want nothing more than Charlie and his grandpa to be happy and for Dorothy to get home.

I could have easily picked another Beatle's song for this day, and I was about to. But then I really thought about what song really stuck with me as a kid and that I really loved. I looked through my iTunes library and I found the Willy Wonka soundtrack and I went to one song in specific.

Pure Imagination.

Everytime I hear that song, I am worry-free, I am six-years-old and I am in my grandpa's living room watching Willy Wonka for the first time.

And what more does a six-year-old want to hear more than:

"Anything you want to, do it"

It did not matter if I wanted to be a fire fighter, baseball star, musician or scientist. If Willy Wonka taught me one thing about changing the world it was as simple as this:

"There's nothing to it".

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