Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Things I Hate

Bikes rides should be a peaceful and calming excercise.

Yeah, whoever thinks that has never been on a bike ride. On my bike ride today I pondered the things that annoy me/I borderline hate. And there were alot of them.

Things I Hate
  • People in cars who clearly see you coming and think they can make their turn before you have to cross and end up creeping up, realize they cannot make the turn and completely cross-block you.
  • Sales tax on water bottles/Having to pay more than free for water.
  • Girls who have Facebook pictures where they are giving the middle finger. I just find it really unattractive.
  • Girls who go out of their way to look trashy. You are beatiful the way you are, you do not need a shirt that is three sizes too small and a cheetah pring bra to proove it.
  • Traffic lights. Everytime I am stopped at a red light for too long, I often shout at them, and ask them why they exist.
  • People call soccer a "pussy" sport. Yeah, you try running for three hours straight, while 90,000 people are chanting about how much you suck, people blowing those horns and then recieving death threats if your team looses in the World Cup.
  • People who ask me if I mind if they smoke in front of me. Does a deer mind when they get shot in the face when they were just chilling in the forest? Yes.
  • People who take playing sports too seriously. Of course you can be competitive, but when a the outcome of pick-up baseball actually has an effect on the rest of your day, that is just too much. Every sport is a children's game.
  • People who say they are "confident". No, you are just saying that so no one calls you an asshole.
  • People who are too political. It is very important to know what is going on in the world, and have views on major issues. But when it gets to the point where you troll and intentionally instigate political arguments, you need to find a hobby.
  • Hot pockets when one half is lava and the other half is the arctic. Or better yet, when you think you made a good one and you get to the middle and it is colder than the dickens.
  • People who spell their "favorite" band and or song wrong. I want to straight up duel these people. "Hey man, what are your favorite bands?" "Oh you know, Led Zepallin and Mettallica.. the basics."
  • People who do not use turn signals.
  • Bandwagon sports fans. Especially ones for the Detroit teams. Notice how no one likes the Pistons any more and come June even Cindy likes the Red Wings. And once they loose, they automatically "suck".
  • People who say movie lines wrong.
  • People who quote Step Brothers or the Hangover ALL THE F'N TIME.
  • Bullies.
  • I hate people who think they are funny, when they are really just not. And they are just really rude and ignorant.
  • People who say fag too much. Then same can be said for the N-word. It just makes you look ignorant and less of person than you are.
  • When my friends do not want to play soccer. Boom
  • Rich white people. Especially the rich white middle aged man, who probably has not been outside of Michigan and freaks out when he goes to Detroit.
  • People who rip-apart Detroit, say it is a horrible city. Yet, they still go to Tiger games, Lions games, Red Wing games, concerts, the Hoe-Down, Greektown, the Fox, The Fillmore a.k.a. the State Theatre, all the casinos, Belle Isle and the Auto Show. Where do you think all of those places are located? And do not tell me that those are in the "good part of Detroit". It is still Detroit.
  • When Nickelback comes on right after a good song.
  • When DJ's talk over songs.
  • When I am not caller number nine.
  • People who only like Abbey Road.
  • People who ask me to list my favorite bands and or songs. There are too many.
  • Over protective mothers/parents.
  • People who abuse animals.
  • Having to sit through that commercial about abused and abandoned dogs. I have to turn it off, because I get too angry that people would actually do that to dogs/it is too sad.
  • People who forget that Michael Vick killed hundreds of dog just because he is good at football again.
  • Atheletes who think the world owes them everything.
  • People who complain about the economy.
  • Half of the writers on ESPN.
  • People who do not pay their dues.
  • When teachers do not answer your question, and they ask you if that answered your question. And your back is against the way and you do not want to be the bad person, so you just say yes.
  • People who do not respect their parents/grandparents. They are the reason you are alive. Show them some respect.
  • 12 year-olds/younger kids who think it is cool to smoke or say the f word alot in public. It is just sad.
  • People who think they are driving a '65 Mustang and rev their engine at every stop sign/red light/and just to feel cool and help forget they are driving a '91 Honda Civic.
  • People who hate Obama just because he is black. Really people? I think as a Nation we should be passed this.
  • People who tip poorly. Personally, I am a 35 percent tipper at minimum usually.
  • People who say, "Man this would be better with a smoke/with a beer." Multiple times throughout the course of a night. If you are that bored, leave.
  • People who go out of their way to give their tattoo's meaning. Really, that tattoo is supposed to symbolize being free? Because it really looks like a tiger drawn by Stevie Wonder.
  • People who like bands because they represent drugs and what not a.k.a. people who where Pink Floyd, Beatles, Nirvana, Bob Dylan, Grateful Dead, the Doors, Hendrix and Bob Marley t-shirts or apparel because "they smoked weed man". Those bands and artists did more than just that.
  • People who say I am doing a good thing for my brother and that I am being heroic. I do not hate that, it just kind of annoys me. I am doing the transplant because he is my brother and that is what brothers do for brothers.
Okay, I think I am done.

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